RPI Spring Open 2018

April 8, 2018
Registration closes April 7, 2018

'87 Gym Map

Online Payments Not Accepted
3 Weapon USFA-sanctioned Senior Mixed Open. Registration is $25 for the first weapon and $15 for each additional, with a discount for clubs who bring scoring equipment for a strip.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
The RPI Spring Open is a USFA-sanctioned Senior Mixed Open with events for all three weapons. All events require proof of USFA membership to participate. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT IN THE USUAL RPI OPEN VENUE (Robison Gym). Instead, we will be at the '87 Gym. ENTRY FEES: Registration is at the door. $25 for the first event ($20 for any member of a club who brings a strip) $15 for each additional event. LOCATION: 87 Gym, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 Google Maps: https://goo.gl/d5rPLG SCHEDULE: Registration opens: 9:00 am Registration closes for: Foil: 9:30 am Epee: 11:30 am Sabre: 1:30 am PRIZES: The top three finishers in each weapon will each receive a cool sword. CONTACT: fencing@union.lists.rpi.edu