Boston Fencing Club - Jack Norton Hangover Open

January 1, 2006
Registration Closes December 31, 2005

Boston Fencing Club
110 Clematis Ave, Waltham, MA USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Entry Fee: $10 / event
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.

Entry Fee: $10 / event Events Scheduled: 9:00AM Mixed Foil 12:00AM Mixed Epee 3:00PM Mixed Saber The top man and woman in each event (or thier parental guardian if they under 21) recieves a bottle of champagne! Directions to Boston Fencing Club: Preregistration opens on 10/21/2005. Preregistration closes on 12/31/2005.