D'Artagnan's Challenge Series 1B (Y10/14 Epee)

September 29, 2019
Registration closes September 28, 2019

Olympia Fencing Center Cambridge
127 SMITH PLACE, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Map
Online Payment Required To Register
Check-in at office at 1:45 PM. Event starts at 2:00 PM. Medals for top 4, ribbons for top 8. Series winner awarded trophy. Cost: $25.00 Walk-ins: $30.00
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
This is the first of five series for Y10 & Y12 Men's & Women's Epee of the season! Non-competitive USFA membership is required and will be verified at the door. Men's and Women's events will be mixed if there are less than 6 participants in one of the events. The events will run simultaneously, starting at 2:00 PM. Cost: $25 Walk-in: $30 Medals will be awarded for top 4 and ribbons to the top 8. Points will be awarded to all. The winner will receive a Grand Prize in form of a trophy at the end of the series. Events Scheduled: Y10 Men's Epee Y10 Women's Epee Y14 Men's Epee Y14 Women's Epee Email: info@olympiafencingcenter.com for any questions. Preregistration closes on 9/27/2019.