NEUSFA 6 Weapon C and Under Results

C & Under (Div 2) Senior Women's Foil 10 Competitors, E1 Event View Round Results
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Kelly, Katherine MOE C2017
2 Wilbert, Gwendolyn MOE D2016
3 Escobar, Geraldine INTLFENCEC E2017
3 Kerr, Margaret WORCESTERF D2017
5 Musto, Isabella MFA U
6 McShine, Katelyn MFA U
7 Ao, Amelia GOLD E2017
8 Vargas, Nancy FAOBOSTON U
9 Roberts, Arianna MFA U
10 Shaw, Guinevere UNAT U
C & Under (Div 2) Senior Men's Foil 24 Competitors, C1 Event View Round Results
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Ivarsson, Oliver NEMAFC E2017 C2017
2 LaRosee, Matthew MOE C2017
3 Carman, Ian BOSTONFC C2016
3 Vargas, Ernesto INTLFENCEC C2017
5 Hewes, Thomas BOSTONFC D2016
6 Wong, Angus UMASS E2017
7 Jimenez, Diran OLYMPIAFC D2017
8 Cortizas, Jack BOSTONFC C2017
9 Weber, Axel RIFAC D2017
10 Ehrlich, Noah FVFA C2017
11 Liu, Jonathan BOSTONFC C2017
12 Bickford, Michael BOSTONFC E2017
13 Boislard, Adam UCONN FC D2017
14 Vo, Antoine MOE D2015
15 Borgal, Cameron UNH C2017
16 Schenck, Koen RIFAC U
17 Wentworth, Marshall MOE U
18 Tian, Yuzhe (Charlie) OLYMPIAFC U
19 Wilbert, Matt MOE D2017
20 Howard, Alexander BOSTONFC U
21 Wiest, Henry MOE U
22 Litt, Barry CONCORD E2015
23 Grubenau, Peter UCONN FC U
23 Santulli, Tristan BOSTONFC U
C & Under (Div 2) Senior Mixed Epee 32 Competitors, C2 Event View Round Results
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Toth, Derick RIFAC C2016 C2017
2 Insler, Gabriel RIFAC C2017
3 Litt, Barry CONCORD C2017
3 Gregory, Abram UNAT C2017
5 Carvalho, Daniel CAMBRIDGE D2017
6 Lizotte, James BOSTONFC C2017
7 Lavenstein, Kinley RIFAC D2017
8 Adamian, David OLYMPIAFC U E2017
9 Santos, Felipe OLYMPIAFC C2017
10 Yeh, Luke UMASS-AM U
11 Bruggemann, Jonas UMASS-AM D2016
12 Egan, Edward RIFAC U
13 Marootian, Alex RIFAC U
14 Costolo, Peter ALLEZ D2017
15 Delmar, Gerard UMASS-AM U
16 Parte, Aidan MFA U
17 Walting, Paul PVFA D2017
18 Culler, Michael OLYMPIAFC D2016
19 Paul, Max MASTERS FA E2017
20 Todreas, Simon BOSTONFC E2017
21 Lim, Joshua MFA E2017
22 Yoshida, Stephen BOSTONFC D2016
23 Boislard, Jacob SWORDNSCRO E2016
24 Roberts, Gabrielle MFA D2016
25 Houst, Michael SFC E2017
26 Pardo, Sarah BOSTONFC U
27 Chan, Andrew OLYMPIAFC U
28 Cox, Gavin MFA U
29 Kain, Brad OLYMPIAFC U
30 Adamian, Louis OLYMPIAFC U
31 Man, Stephanie UMASS-AM U
32 Cohen, Dylan CAMBRIDGE E2014
C & Under (Div 2) Senior Women's Epee 0 Competitors, Not Contested Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
No Results Available
C & Under (Div 2) Senior Men's Saber 0 Competitors, Not Contested Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
No Results Available
C & Under (Div 2) Senior Women's Saber 0 Competitors, Not Contested Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
No Results Available
September 24, 2017
Boston Fencing Club
100 Holton Street, Boston, MA 02135 USA
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Preregistration fee: $25; Walk in fee $50 after 9/20/17. Events will be mixed if less than 6 competitors. Medals top 3(4). Event times under who's coming. SABRE IS CANCELLED. EPEE IS MIXED.
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NOTE: Earned ratings in AskFRED are only unofficial estimates. Final ratings are subject to USA Fencing and Division policies. AskFRED attempts to be as accurate as possible, but USA Fencing is the final authority for all ratings.