Dice & Duels Tournament & Game Night
Registration closes May 31, 2024
Online Payments Not Accepted
Foil and Epee events for Y8, Y12, Open. Game-night starts right after the last event. Come and have The Day of Fun and fencing from 9am to 10pm on the first day of June.
You don’t have to be a fencer to play with us. Game night is open for participants all ages and will be held from 4pm to 9pm on June 1st. Sign up is open now- you may register at Royal Arts any day now to reserve your spot (max registration is limited). Sign up soon. Registration fee is $50 for all youth and adult participants and its paid at the check-in times of your fencing event and/or by 4pm of June 1st at the check-in desk for all non-fencers participants. Youth participants of ages 8yo and under must have one parent staying for the duration of the game night. For one parent staying with your child it’s free. We plan to play different table games, Dungeon and dragons as a part of it and a moving, (possibly running) activities and games. Please dress accordingly. We will be ordering pizza for all. If you are not fan of pizza, please plan to bring food for you and/or your participant. Water bottles will be provided. You may bring your own favorite non-alcoholic drink. All participants must be picked up by 9pm. If you have any questions please text! our fencing club at 6143302445