NJFA Youth Foil Tournament - THE Y10 EVENT ONLY HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!! Registrations

Y10 Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Saturday, Nov 2 at 8:45AM
0 Fencers Could be up to a U rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
No Registrations
Y12 Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Saturday, Nov 2 at 10:15AM
10 Fencers : 10U Could be up to a NR rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Alvarez, Isaiah New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Choi, Serine ArtDu Fencing ArtDU U
Enright- Howlett, Astelina New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Gonzalez, Leon Unattached (or Unknown) UNAT U
Leong, Michael New Jersey Fencing Alliance / Future Stars Fencing NJFencingAll
Liang, Jasmine Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy GutkovskiyFA U
Madhavarapu, Arjun V Fencing Club VFencing U
Oh, Jiseok New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Sidwa, Bohdy New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Southers, Naomi New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Y14 Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Saturday, Nov 2 at 12:15PM
16 Fencers : 1D, 2E, 13U Could be up to a NR rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Bravo Ortega, Astrid Fencing Academy Of Westchester FAW D2024
Cao, Joshua V Fencing Club VFencing U
Chen , Sophie New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Fineman, Teagan New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Glicksberg, Alexander ArtDu Fencing ArtDU E2024
Herbert, Ethan New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFencingAll U
Hunter, Khelilie New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Kim, Minjoo New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFencingAll U
Lenz, Phoebe Fencers Club Inc. FencersClub U
Leong, Samuel New Jersey Fencing Alliance / Future Stars Fencing NJFencingAll
Plaza, Sofia U
Vaccaro, Lillian Morris Fencing Club MFC U
Xu-Ferguson, Victoria East Coast Fencing Club ECFC U
Zhu , Alicia New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U
Zucker, Eleanor New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFencingAll U
bowen, otto New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGA U