2024 Szathmary Smackdown I

October 5 - 6
Registration closes October 3, 2024
University Of Tennessee Knoxville Fencing Club

2111 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville, TN 37996 US Map
Online Payments Not Accepted

Welcome to the first annual Szathmary Smackdown!

This is a new themed tournament hosted by the Fencing Club at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Inspired by pro-wrestling and other combat sports, we hope to bring some spectacle to our favorite sport.

All final and semi-final matches are to be accompanied by an announcer's introduction! In addition, the first place prizes for Open Mixed events are custom 1lb Championship Belts.

Winners of Szathmary Smackdown belts are entitled to receive a Champion's Discount in future Szathmary Smackdowns. We hope to see you on the strip competing to be the first Champions at our newly revamped tournament!



Saturday, October 5, 2024

Senior Mixed Epee - 10 AM

Senior Mixed Saber - 1 PM

Div 3 Senior Mixed Epee - 3 PM

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Senior Mixed Foil - 10 AM

Div 3 Senior Mixed Foil - 1 PM

***IMPORTANT*** - Preregistration will close at 7pm on Friday, October 4, 2024

The Venue will open at 9 AM on Saturday and Sunday.

  1. If you need any assistance on the day of the event, please message (615) 854-1959

Walk-in fencers will be accepted at double fees for each event should there be space in their event.

*Denotes close of registration for each event. Events will start approximately 15-20 minutes after the close of registration.



First Event: $40

Each Additional Event: $20

Payment will be accepted at the door in the form of cash or checks. Please make all checks payable to "Fencing Club at UT"

All proceeds raised will be used to support the Fencing Club at the University of Tennessee.



All USA Fencing rules regarding equipment will be enforced. We will be checking masks, gloves, and chest protectors. All fencers competing in the saber events must have an 800N FIE approved glove to compete, all chest protectors must be compliant with current SEMI regulation regarding outer coating with FIE mark

Parking- Over the summer UTK drastically changed the parking regulations. Everyone who comes on campus must have a parking pass or pay hourly in metered spots.

  1. Parking Pass- We will be selling 2-day passes for $10 at the Bout Committee table. These passes are valid in the upper lot right outside of TRECS (NOT the pay-mobile spots). These valid spots will have signs in the lot for CI20 and S20. If the TRECS upper lot gets full, we also have reserved the "commuter" section in the N7 garage, Level 2, which is across the street from TRECS.
  2. Pay Hourly in Park Mobile- There is a pay-per-hour lot in the lower lot of TRECS, as well as in the garage across the street. It is $2 per hour. You will pay using a QR code posted in the lot, and you will enter in your license plate number and card information to pay.
  3. Parking map- https://parking.utk.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/UT-Campus-Parking-Map-Fall-2024_FINAL_sent.pdf
  4. Interactive campus map- https://maps.utk.edu/?id=314#!ct/27641?s/

REFEREES: We are still needing referees for all three weapons. Please reach out to fencing@utk.edu or fill out this form if you are interested in refereeing: https://forms.office.com/r/i4wPYa3cfq

TENNESSEE FENCING T-SHIRTS: We will be selling UTK Fencing club t-shirts for $25. Payments must be in the form of cash or check made out to "Fencing Club at UT".

FOOD AND DRINK: NO food and drinks are allowed in the TRECS gym with the exception of water. This is the policy of the facility and it will be strictly enforced.

PARKING AND VENUE: More parking information to come! As of now, participants will need to park at the TRECS lot and pay for parking.

PARKING MAPhttps://parking.utk.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/49/2022/07/UT-Campus-Parking-Map-Fall-2022-Final-7-19-22-with-S24.pdf

COLLEGE CLUBS: The University of Tennessee Fencing Club welcomes all collegiate fencing teams. We will offer a $5 discount to team members if their team provides scoring equipment.

Please email us at fencing@utk.edu if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Fencing Club at

the University of Tennessee Knoxville