Competitor's Edge Sabre

March 7, 2021
Registration closes March 7, 2021

Team Touche Fencing Center
11468 Sorrento Valley Rd., Suite A-1, San Diego, CA 92121 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
$60 cash registration at door. Military and College student discounts available. USFA Equipment check: glove and mask. Please read the “more info page” for COVID-19 requirements. Unsanctioned.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Team Touché is leading the charge to manage tournaments responsibly and safely. The Venue Team Touché Fencing Center 4 grounded strips, 3 non-grounded strips. Plenty of parking spots Around the clock cleaning and disinfecting routines throughout the whole venue COVID-19 Guidelines (Subject to Change) - Read Carefully This tournament is subject to state laws and orders regarding COVID-19, including assembly of persons COVID-19 Protocols will be implemented throughout the whole tournament. There will be no exceptions. A temperature check will be taken before you enter the fencing room. Fencers are advised to wash their clothes the day before they come to tournaments. Armorers have the full right to decline checking unwashed or uncleaned equipment Chairs will be placed on the floor in designated locations to allow for social distancing. Any violators will be escorted out of the building. No personal chairs or alternative seating options are allowed on the floor. Please no congregating. Fencers to come to the venue semi-dressed up with knickers, socks, and shoes on. After your event is finished, please leave the premises. All events will be capped, and entry is on a first-come first-served basis. Once the tournament has filled to the capped amount, a wait list will begin. Fencers 17 and under may be accompanied by ONE person, whether it's a parent, coach, etc. Multiple fencers from the same family competing at the same time does not mean an additional spectator. Fencers 18 and over may not bring an additional person. However, if several adult fencers from the same club would like a coach, they will be permitted one coach per club. For senior events, spectators are not permitted until the pool rounds have finished. There is a mini-mall with many lunch options nearby on Valley Centre Drive while you wait. Everyone in the venue must wear a face mask that covers nose and mouth except when eating and/or drinking. Always remember to practice social distancing. Do not eat or drink around others. Face Shield is not a replacement to face mask. No food or drink allowed in the fencing designated area and none will be sold in the venue. You must bring your own food/drink. Only fencers are allowed on the fencing floor, and must stay behind the strips all the times, except for the times they are fencing. Fencers are not allowed to touch the scoring machine, weights, shims, remote and scoresheet. Fencers are not required to sign the score sheet or DE slips. Results will be posted in the venue. And results will be uploaded to Fred upon completion of events. Fencers to refrain from shaking hands after bouts. Fencers to refrain from shouting after scoring a touch. Yellow cards will be awarded for each offense. Anything left at the end of the day (Lost & Found) will be thrown out.