NYAC Hangover Open

January 1, 2008
Registration closes December 26, 2007

New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South, New York, NY 10019 USA Map

Online Payment Required To Register
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
The New York Athletic Club Presents
The Hangover Open
Oye... my poor head!
General Information
Are you ready for the the most fun-tastic epee event of the year? Are you? WAKE UP AND ANSWER ME!!!
NYAC's annual Hangover Epee event is on Tuesday, 01/01/08. The event is mixed (or rather mixed-up) and all are welcome (drunkards and kiddies alike).
This event is produced and directed by George Masin, somebody who makes you feel like you have a hangover everytime you fence him.
Registration Closes at 11:59PM ET on Wednesday December 19th, 2007
A $10 late-fee will be charged at the door for late/on-site registration.
You must complete online payment to be successfully registered for this event and avoid the late-fee.

All prizes (which generally go through twenty something place) are liquid-based, and range from dog-of-the-hair to non-alcoholic.
The first fencer to finish all his/her bouts gets a special prize. Also, the winner of this prize will almost certainly be Alex Tsinis.
The tournament uses the round-robin format. In this format, each fencer has a bout with every other fencer, and final placements are determined by overall records (there are no direct elimination bouts). So there is lots of fencing and no quick exits from your hangover misery.
Please note two things:
  • There will be a pre-set end time (usually 2pm). If you don't finish all your bouts by then - tough cookies!
  • The event usuall starts with bouts of somewhere between 3-5 touches (depending on the number of competitors). As time wears on, bouts are shortened all the way down to one-touch.
Time & Location
Check-in and door registration closes promptly at 10am, and the first bouts will begin around 10:15am.
The New York Athletic Club is located at 180 Central Park South, in Manhattan.
Please use the 58th Street Entrance at the NE corner of 58th St and 7th Ave, under the green NYAC awning.
Several garages in the area give discounts to NYAC guests, including most on 58th street both east and west of 7th avenue.
Make sure to look for the NYAC winged foot sign at the garage entrance, and ask the NYAC desk guard to validate your ticket before you leave the club.
Note: This info is to help you... we do not guarantee any discounts whatsoever.
If you are looking for free street parking, we recommend the Upper West Side between 63rd and 70th, or directly west of the NYAC on 58th St around 10th Ave.
All events require registration and pre-payment via AskFRED by the stated close of registration date.
The cost is $20. There is an extra $10 fee for late or onsite registration/payment (NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED – THIS MEANS YOU).
NYAC Member Info
If you are a member of the NYAC, sign-up but DO NOT go through online payment. I will approve your entries when I see them and you will pay at the door.

NYAC members include those who are actual athletic, associate or regular members of the New York Athletic Club or those with a privledge card.
If your not getting a monthly invoice, you probably aren't a member.
Gate list guests, and those who claim the NYAC as their USFA club without actually belonging to it, are not members.
Additional Info
  • This is a mixed epee event.
  • All fencers 13+ are welcome. You DO NOT have to be a NYAC member to compete, however you MUST be a USFA or FIE member.
  • This is a USFA and Metropolitan Division sanctioned event. Ratings will be awarded where earned.
  • There is a $10 fee for registration after the registration closing date.
  • All monies will be collected immediately upon check-in. Cash (exact change) only. No checks or IOU’s.
  • “I am going to be late” phone calls will not be accepted in lieu of physical presence.
Email me at 'nyacfencing' at 'gmail.com' or call (sparingly) Jonathan Bartlett at 646-526-9691 BY FRIDAY MORNING before the event.
I will not be responding to emails or voicemails after Friday morning.