Swords Post-Thanksgiving Mini Camp
Registration closes November 24, 2023
Online Payments Not Accepted
Post Thanksgiving Mini Camp at Swords in Pasadena Studio
Swords will be having 2 Mini Camp during Thanksgiving Week! Come join us and prepare to work on footwork, tactics, and fencing!
Pre-Thanksgiving Camp 11/20 - 11/22 (Monday-Wednesday)
Post-Thanksgiving Camp 11/-24 - 11/26 (Friday- Sunday)
Due to limited space, we can only register up to 27 people for our camp maximum.
Please bring all gear plus water and food for the camp.
Post-Thanksgiving Mini Camp
Friday - Sunday
Morning session: 9-12 with a lunch break at 12 pm til 2 pm,
Afternoon session: 2-4
Lunch is not provided.
Daily $150
$375 Members and Non-Members
(3 Days Mini Camp)
$700 Members and Non-Members
(2 Mini Camps -PreThanksgiving/Post Thanksgiving)
Preregistration required. Payment due 1st day.
Preregistration opens on 11/7/2023.
Preregistration closes on 11/24/2023.