Pre-Nationals Vet Sabre Clinic with David Sierra

June 3, 2023
Registration closes June 2, 2023

Atlantic Fencing Academy
1 Sheila Drive, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Veteran Sabre Fencers are invited to Atlantic Fencing Academy for our Pre-Nationals Veteran Sabre Clinic taught by David Sierra. Our theme this time is Competition Psychology and Mental Tactics!
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
All Veteran Sabre Fencers are invited to Atlantic Fencing Academy for our Pre-Nationals Veteran Sabre Clinic! Our previous clinics have been very popular and well attended Our Weekend Vet Sabre Clinics bring together veteran age sabre athletes for training, bouting, and fellowship. Taught by our experienced Sabre Coach, Fencing Master David Sierra, you will leave this weekend a better sabre fencer than you started! Maestro Sierra is committed to expanding access to training opportunities for Veteran Fencers. He brings a dynamic and exciting focus with a deep understanding of the modern sabre game, especially as it applies to vets. Maestro Sierra's Veteran-age sabre athletes have earned more than 30 medals in North American Cups including multiple team championships. The Theme of the Pre-Nationals Clinic will be "Competition Psychology and Tactics." We will discuss pre-event mental preparation, scouting, in-competition performance strategies, bout analysis, building a tactical framework for a bout and other important aspects of the mental side of competition, along with "real world" practical exercises and scenarios. This clinic is a MUST for anyone attending Summer Nationals! Ages 35 and up. Full uniform and bouting equipment is required for participation. Cost $90 if preregistered on or before June 2nd. $100 if paid at the door. Schedule
    • Optional Morning Practice: Fencers who are pre-registered for the clinic are also welcome to attend Saturday Morning Practice at Atlantic Fencing Academy. Footwork is at 10 AM and Open fencing takes place until noon.
    • Training Clinic: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM The training will include a mix of discussion, footwork exercises, partner drills, tactical bouting exercises and free fencing. There will be breaks built into the schedule and, as always, healthy snacks will be provided.
    • Optional Morning Practice:Fencers who are preregistered for the clinic and staying in the area, we'll have time on Sunday morning for bouting and lessons from 10 AM to Noon.
Fencers attending from outside the area, please reach out regarding lodging questions. There are a number of lodging options that we can recommend to help you find a good place to stay. About Atlantic Fencing Academy: The state-of-the-art facility of the Atlantic Fencing Academy is only couple of minutes away from GSP Exit 109. It is also an easy 1.5 hour train ride on the North Jersey Shore Line from NYC Penn Station to the Little Silver Train Station (a short uber ride away or we can assist with transport from there). Slightly shorter train ride from Newark Airport on the same line. We have eleven grounded strips, ample space for social distancing, seating for competitors and spectators, and climate control! Restrooms, hand sanitizers and vending machine with water and Gatorade are available. Participant feedback from our previous clinics
  • "You created an engaging, fun environment where it was easy to ask questions and give examples. It was great to be able to spend time talking about the concepts first before having to put them into action. It was also good to have an appropriate amount of activity and not have to keep up with younger fencers."
  • "Having the handout and the half hour lecture was great. Also limiting the information and practice to a single theme prevented things from becoming overwhelming."
  • "Enjoyed the academic portion and then the drills to apply, along with the bouts at the end to use them 'all out'"
  • "Effective actions and ideas, very usable, and time built into the workshop for sufficient practice. Attendees were a good range of abilities. Everyone was there to learn and help one another. Snacks were a good idea!"
  • "I enjoyed this one even more than the one done in the Fall. I loved that the lecture portion was kept, and even expanded on a bit. I really liked the addition of the video analysis. That really added to this, and showed how high level fencers use the actions covered."