Referee Clinic By Fernando Delgado

June 24, 2017
Registration closes June 24, 2017

Marian Central Catholic HS Cafeteria
1001 McHendry Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Referee clinic for those wishing to be prepared for the referee test, for the practical and for those interested in learning how fencing rules are applied and how right of way is determined in the modern sport of fencing. Questions email
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Referee Clinic Seminar offered through Ill. Div. Seminar will be run by Fernando Delgado an experienced foil,epee and sabre fencer and coach. Fernando Delgado is a Certified Referee Instructor, a 20 year USFA ranked national referee, Regional Coordinator of RJCC, SYC and RYC and local organizer of regional , national and Sabre World Cups. The clinic will run on Saturday, June 24th from 9am to 3pm. Bring your lunch. Location: Marian Central Catholic HS cafeteria, 1001 McHendry, Illinois 60098. Preregistration opens on 06/14/2017 Preregistration closes on 06/24/2017. Please make sure that you have adequately prepared by going through the Study Guide: Clinic link: Practical refereeing exams will be available by appointment at any local or regional event by contacting Fernando Delgado at Attending an official FOC-sanctioned clinic is a prerequisite for attempting the written exam. Once a passing score (90%) has been achieved on the written exam (both the general section and one or more weapon-specific sections) a referee receives a rating of "P" in each weapon passed. Further ratings improvements (1-10) can be obtained at a later date by being evaluated in a practical setting at tournaments. The Referee Development Seminar will provide you with a broad understanding of the role, responsibilities, and duties of a referee, as well as refine your sense of right of way, timing, and application of the penalties. The Study Guide will prepare you for the written exam. The two together are designed to prepare you for the demands of refereeing actual fencing bouts. The cost of the clinic is free for Illinois Division members. $40 for persons outaide those Divisions. Please make checks out to the USFA-ILL. Div. if necessary. There will be a working lunch during the clinic. Please feel free to bring food and drink. Who should attend: - Aspiring referees - who want to learn how right of way and rules are being applied at a national and international level - Athletes - who want to improve their games and get a more complete understanding of their sport - Coaches - who want to maintain their grasp of current interpretations and rules updates - Parents - who want a better understanding of tournament format and the basics of sport fencing for their children - Current referees - who need to fulfill their yearly requirement for seminar attendance or further their personal goals. Any questions email Fernando Delgado at or call 847-791-0544. Edit