[PrecisionAFC] Junior Olympics Prep - Footwork & Bouting (FOIL)

February 11, 2024
Registration closes February 11, 2024

Precision Athletics Fencing Club
22307 Ocean Ave, Torrance, CA 90505 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
With JO's coming up quickly on the calendar, come to PrecisionAFC the weekend before for one last tune-up before this prestigious national championship! Fence with highly ranked & rated athletes.

With Junior Olympics coming up quickly on the calendar, come to PrecisionAFC the weekend before for one last tune-up before this prestigious national championship! Fence with highly ranked & rated athletes, and recent national medalists. Training in this 4hr session will include a warmup, intensive footwork, scenario/themed bouts, and general open fencing. This training will be led by PrecisionAFC's assistant coach, Konami Masui. Coach Konami was a successful athlete, having qualified twice to fence at NCAA Championships during her time at UCSD. 

REGISTRATION: https://app.upperhand.io/customers/919-precision-athletics-fencing-club/events/111470-junior-olympics-prep-footwork-and-bouting

LOCATION: Precision Athletics FC | 22307 Ocean Ave, Torrance, CA 90505

DATE/TIME: Feb 11th, 2024 | 2pm - 6pm

PRICE: $50

CONTACT: Forrest@SouthBayFencing.com