MTFC after-clinic round robin

December 7, 2024
Registration closes December 6, 2024

Metro Tacoma Fencing Club 8629 S Tacoma Way Lakewood, WA, Lakewood, WA 98499 USA Map Hosted by Metro Tacoma Fencing Club

Online Payments Not Accepted
Practice session round robin after the Tactics and Strategy Clinic.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Round robin practice session following Strategy and Tactics Clinic with Coaches Toby Lee and Andrew Lee held 12/7/2024 for epee and foil fencers. This sign-up is for fencers who wish to take part in the practice session after the clinic (the clinic is held from 1:30 PM until 3:30 PM) and also for fencers who do not wish to join the clinic but want to practice in this 90 minute fencing session from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Please sign up for clinic separately if you wish to join the clinic session (on AskFRED under Camps/Clinics).

STRATEGIES AND TACTICS CLINIC: From 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM we will work on analyzing your opponents to take advantage of their weaknesses, strategies to maximize your strengths, tricks to manage distance, methods to help reduce the effectiveness of your opponent's best moves, the mental game, preparation, home drills, and strip coaching. How can you beat your opponent with better strategy or tactics?

SCHEDULE: December 7 (Saturday) at Metro Tacoma Fencing Club ( 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM. Tthis event which is a round robin, self-refereed, mini-tournament session.

DETAILS: We will set up a round robin pool. You are welcome to come in for open fencing to practice another after the Strategy and Tactics session. You can practice epee, foil, or both (same cost but I can include you in both round robin tables). Sign up for the weapon(s) you wish to practice so others can know who will be present and to help set up the pool. Or you can use this time to practice paired drills or some new strategies/tactics. This is an unsanctioned session so you cannot earn a rating for particiating. There will be no medals. Fence as many people as you like until 5:00 PM. Or use this time as a practice session with a partner to improve some problem solving skills until 5:00 PM. This will be self-refereed. Coach Toby and Coach Andrew will be availalbe to help guide some fencing or drills. The goal of this 90 minute session is to focus on improving your strategy and tactics.

COST: Round robin or open fencing self-refereed session for practice from 3:30 PM to 5 PM is $20 if you are not participating in the earlier clinic. This practice session is included for participants who are signed up for the clinic from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Please sign up for both the clinic and this round robin if interested. No additional cost for participating in both foil and epee. CASH PREFERRED. Checks accepted. We will not be able to take credit cards (we don't have access to the credit card reader).