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USFCA National Coaching Development Program

May 18 - 19
Registration Closes May 18, 2024

Duke City Fencing
2840 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107 US Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
This is an in-person two-day clinic covering the principles of the Individual Lesson. The clinic is recommended to coaches and fencers with experience in Foil or Epee.

Presented by:  Maitre D’Armes Evandro Duarte Oliveira & Maestra Margaret Readi DeLong


NCDP: National Coaching Development Program

CIT: Coach in Training (student)

CD: Coach Developer (facilitator)

USFCA Certification level: Asst. Moniteur, Moniteur, Prevot, and Master (Level 2 to 5)

Organizers: Duke City Fencing Club and Salle De Long Fencers Club

Clinic Date: May 18 and 19, 2024

Clinic Time: 9 am – 7 pm Saturday and Sunday

Practical Examination: Sunday 5 to 7 pm

Clinic Location: 2840 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87107

Telephone: (505) 872-0048

E-mail:   OR

Number of Hours:  16 hours (4 clinic units)

Cost: $300 USFCA Member/ $400 Non-Member / $50 Student (received unlimited lessons from coaches)

***Payment and Register at USFCA

To all applicants for the Moniteur and Prevot Practical Examination:

1.- You must take and pass the online written USFCA  Moniteur and Prevot exam before you get to the clinic. Visit for detailed information.

2.- Bring proof of USFCA membership.

3.- Bring the email confirmation that you have passed the online exam

4.- Bring the confirmation that you have paid online, for the practical exam.

5.- You must be SafeSport Certified.

6.- You must have a current background check in your profiles on the USA Fencing website.

7.- No exam fees are to be paid to the clinic organizers. It needs to be done online at the USFCA website.

Inclusivity and Accessibility Statement:

This clinic is committed to following the commitment to inclusivity and accessibility espoused by the USFCA. Specifically, students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives are welcome to this course, students' learning needs will be addressed both in and out of class, and the diversity that the students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. We intend to present materials and activities that respect diversity: gender identity, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, and culture. Presentations will be accessible to individuals with mobility disabilities and will mitigate the effects of other disabilities that might present a barrier to attendees.

Coach Developers

Maitre Evandro Duarte Oliveira

Maitre Evandro has been coaching fencing for more than 30 years, participating in several international training programs. He is a former Head

Coach for the Brazilian and Paraguayan Olympic Epee Teams, with important achievements in the international competitions circuit. He is a devoted Maitre, exclusively devoted to the art of fencing, with a passion for teaching and preserving the original spirit of the fencing discipline. Currently serving as the Head Coach of Duke City Fencing in Albuquerque, NM.

Maitre Margaret Readi DeLong

With more than 30 years of fencing experience, Coach Margaret brings together her expertise in this hands-on clinic. She is a certified Maitre d’Armes by the United States Coaches Association (USFCA). She serves as the chair of the USFCA Certification and Accreditation Board. She is also a licensed Athletic Trainer/Sports Therapist. Maestra Margaret is a passionate coach, always ready to assist you and support your development as a Coach. She has been the president and head coach of Salle

de Long, Inc. in El Paso, TX since 2003.

Learning Objectives:

All coaches in training will learn how to teach an individual lesson based on the following teaching methodology

●  Teaching/technical lesson

●  Option lesson

●  Tactical option lesson

All coaches in training will learn how to apply the EDGCC instruction methods

● Explain

● Demonstrate

● Guide

● Correct

● Critique

All coaches in training will learn the following drill progression

● Blocked

● Serial

● Random

● Coach initiation versus student initiation and both initiate

● Footwork components

All coaches in training will cover the following action progression

● Technical offensive, defensive, and counter-offensive actions

● Preparations with and without blade

● Tactical offensive, defensive, and counter-offensive adaptations

● One and two-tempo actions and distance

● First and second intention actions

All coaches in training will learn how to give a cue

● Slow down

● Speed up

● Stop

● Change direction

● Blade searching

● Blade Invitation

● Position on the strip

● Body movement